The Great Houses

The Great Houses

The Eleven Great Houses that form the Scarlet Dynasty are where most of the Dragon-Blooded of the Realm are found. The Great Houses, and the viewpoint of them held by most of the peoples of the Threshold are below.  All the players will come from one of these Houses, based on their elemental affinity.

Like the Terrestrial Exalted themselves, these great houses (with one exception) are aspected to a specific element.

House Mnemon
House Mnemnon (Earth), and its still living founder, wants the Scarlet Throne. Many members of the House serve as satraps, extracting burdensome tributes. The House lacks experienced military commanders, but its leader is arguably the most powerful sorceress in the Realm.

House Tepet

House Tepet (Air) wanted the throne desperately but has lost its legions fighting the Bull of the North. The Regent is a hideous embarrasment to the Tepets, and many of their soldiers go berserk when taunted with Fokuf's name. Tepet used to be surported by House Cathak and House V'neef, but now it seems to be hanging in the wind.

House Cathak

House Cathak (Fire) wants to be a critical power behind the Scarlet Throne and it possesses the military experience to put someone on the throne and keep her there. It is allied with House V'neef and once supported House Tepet.

House V'neef

House V'neef (Wood) vacillates between wanting the throne and avoiding it. The House's vacillation - or is it a power struggle in the House? - is costing it control of its satrapies, which are slowly breaking loose. The V'neef run the Realm's merchant marine defense force and protect their wineries and orchards by overthrowing governments that want their land for peasant farms.

House Sesus

House Sesus (Fire) wants the southeastern quadrant of the Blessed Isle for itself. Its legions never pay for food or other supplies but take what they want from their host countries.

House Peleps

House Peleps (Water) commands the navy. It wants the throne, but probably lacks the might necessary to take it. Increasingly, the Pelps work on making the islands off the coast of the Blessed Isle their exclusive dominions, and they raid Threshold ports for experienced sailors and ships in good repair. Thresholders regard Pelps as bettter equipped pirates.

House Ledaal

House Ledaal (Air) wants control of the whole Southern half of the Blessed Isle and matching territories in the Threshold, and its scions are preparing to fight any new Emperor or Empress who refuses their rights. Ledaal are staunch defenders of the Immaculate Philosophy.

House Ragara

House Ragara (Earth) does not want the throne, but it wants whoever sits on it to be deeply in debt to its banks and loan agencies - just like everyone else. The Ragara used to support House Tepet.

House Cynis

House Cynis (Wood) has no real allies and has no chance at the throne. Its satraps wring taxes from the poorest provinces and seize the prittiest boys and girls for the slave markets.  Cynis however is the House that is an expert in indulgences and the like.

House Nellens

House Nellens (which has no elemental aspect) is a pack of sharp traders and jade thieves. There isn't an honest merchant in the bunch. This Great House tends to support House Ledaal as if it were a minor patrician house, since the house's troops haven't the strength to back up their swagger.

House Iselsi

House Iselsi (Water) is a has-been House, dismembered by the Empress centuries ago and now used as assassins and workhorse courtiers. House Iselsi wants to survive and it wants the Realm to survive - but it probably cares more about its own survival than that of the Realm. The House is closely allied with the missionary factions of the Immaculate Order.

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